Thursday 6 May 2010

Response to Emma's Blog- Bullying.

I agree with Emma when she states that a bully usually bully others when there is something going wrong in their own lives. I think that because of their own insecurities this is why they tend to bully others. I also saw similar behaviour from bullies as Emma did at school- bullied because what they wear etc. I think bullying is wrong in any way shape or form. I feel like this personally because one of my best friends committed suicide because off bullying amongst other reasons. I also feel more should be done to help bullies overcome what they are doing mentally, physically and verbally to others. Overall, Emma has gathered some interesting facts about bullying and I feel she has covered the topic very well indeed.


Response to Emma's Blog- Drugs.

I totally agree with Emma in that I also do not hold anything against people who take drugs- it’s their choice at the end of the day. I like the way she touched upon the point that she only has a problem if they are on benefits. As I never have really thought of it from this aspect and I can I agree to disagree. I think that what she said is valid but what if these people are addicted to drugs- I feel this would be totally different circumstances. Overall, Emma has written very interesting ideas and which has gave me room for thought!

Response to Amina's Blog- Downloading Music and Films Illegally.

I think Amina has touched upon some very interesting aspects of this subject. I particularly agree with her when she says there is nothing wrong with illegally downloading for many similar reasons she puts forward. From her research I think that getting your internet terminated because of illegal downloading is ridiculous- I feel it will not achieve anything, you would just go and get a connection in another name.

Response to Amina's Blog- Truancy

I agree with Amina when she says it is too drastic to blame parents for their child’s truancy because she makes a valid point that sometimes parents do not know if their child truants. I remember seeing a TV programme where a girl’s mother faced prosecution for her truancy from school- even though the mother made sure her daughter went through the gate. Personally, I don't see why the mother of the child was prosecuted. I think it is wrong to punish the parents. I think Amina also made a really good point that if the parents face the blame then schools should have equal blame. I agree because, Isn't it their job to keep a child safe and in school as well? Overall, I feel Amina has covered this topic really well.

Response to Lauren's Blog- Lying

I agree with Lauren that everybody lies and think is in our nature to lie and let’s face it it’s a fact of life. I think lying can be used for good purposes as Lauren points out and I feel when you are little a white lie in the form of SANTA creates excitement and content for us – so why not! It does not harm anyone because sooner or later we come to find out the truth! However, I also do agree lies can be damaging and can actually destroy an individual and their relationships. I also think everyone has lied in their life and agree with the point made that if you try to say you have never lied your probably actually lying! Overall, I feel Lauren has addressed the major aspects when it comes to lying and I think the post is very well written and comes across fantastically.


Wednesday 5 May 2010

Response to Sarah's Post- Drugs

I agree with Sarah in that people do act differently when they take drugs- and also think at different points in the day people act different when they are on drugs. For example, a friend I knew when was 13 smoked draw and if she smoked it in the afternoon she was okay and chilled but if she smoked it at night time she was a completely different person- In this sense it is really weird how people act at different times when they have taken drugs. I do not agree with her when she implies talk to frank is useless- many people do actually use this service and to many individuals it helps them to overcome their problems in relation to drugs. I think it’s a good service and support group to people who take or have taken drugs.


Respones to Ayesha's Post- Tattoos

I agree with Ayesha when she says if someone wants a tattoo then should be allowed to have it and think it’s down to individual choice. I do not think tattoos are bad either; I’m just too much of a wimp to get one. Ayesha says she see tattooing as body art- personally I do to a certain extent but I do not see why anyone would want to get their whole body tattooed- its madness. But I can also see why people get it done all over- it’s not about what a person looks like it is their personality that defines them. I also have mixed feeling of when a tattoo should be hidden; I think it depends on the situation a person is in. I also think sometimes its just plain silliness when a person does not get a job or gets sacked because of a tattoo showing – utter madness.


Tuesday 4 May 2010

Response to Hannah-Louise's blog- Swearing

I agree with Hannah when she implies that everyone’s swears. I don’t think there is a difference or where or when you swear, because everyone does it and if they tell you otherwise they are probably lying. I agree that there are certain people you try to refrain from swearing in front of- to me if I swear I try not to do it in front of older people or younger because I feel it shows respect- plus you do not want little children picking up swear words, it’s not nice! I also think swearing is a big part of our society now and it is like a second nature to us- it’s like it’s programmed into us. Overall, I agree with near enough all the aspects Hannah has made and I feel she addresses the topic really well.


Response to Yasmin's Blog- Alcohol

I agree with Yasmin when she says it is acceptable to go out and drink alcohol a few times a week. I do not however think if you go out more than this a few times a week your an alcoholic as if that person goes out every day that week and consumes within their recommend daily amount of alcohol then they would not be an alcoholic- I would consider an individual who drinks excessively and consumer a lot of units on a daily basis is an alcoholic. I also agree where she says UNI makes students drink more- I think it does because everyone around you drinks, surely you will also want to or you maybe even feel pressured into doing so. Overall I think Yasmin has made very good points especially into relation to the good and bad points of drinking alcohol.

Monday 3 May 2010

Response to Steph Richard’s Post- Bullying.

I agree with Steph where she says bullying is extremely hurtful. This is true; it can affect a person mentally, physically, or even emotionally. I also agree with her when she says bullying can restrict a person socialising and participating, because I feel if someone is bullied they may feel excluded from their peers and might not want to get involved or even scared to become involved. I do however; feel this is in relation to adults as well. I think Steph makes very good points in her post and addresses the issue of bullying.


Sunday 2 May 2010

Response to Irem Hussains Blog- Vandalism

I agree with Irem that vandalism is immature and disgraceful behaviour because it is disrespecting and destroying a person’s property, which I feel is really bad. I like the point she raises about vandalism being a form of anti-social behaviour and think it was really good for her to touch upon this aspect of vandalism. I can also see where she is coming from when she says why the government should employ people to clean vandalism- I agree with her on this because it should not be done in the first place.



Everywhere you look you are more than likely to see a dustbin , yet we stumble across litter on a daily basis. Littering can be seen as a type of bad behaviour because it affects the environment,it does not look very nice not to mention the health risks that could be a consequence of littering.

Littering can constitute as bad behaviour because of its harmful effects to the environment because when littler rots it gives off really bad fumes(pollution) which contaminates the air. It is also bad for wildlife as well because,'Plastic can cause birds and other animals to choke, when they mistake it for food. And, even worse, small bits of plastic can accumulate in the stomach of a bird, never digesting or decomposing, to the point where there is no more room for real food and the bird starves to death with a full stomach'. I think littering affecting wildlife is wrong because technically you could end up killing the animal, just because you do not put your rubbish in a bin. http://http//

Individuals are discouraged from littering by the government in the forms of fines- (not that i can actually recall any fines being given to individuals who little).'The average fine is around £100 plus any costs the court awards. However, a person convicted of this offence could be liable to a maximum fine of £2,500 (a level 4 offence on the standard scale)', I do think this could be effect however, I think the government need to give out more fines in relation to litter as there are often unheard of and maybe if this happened it might get the message across, that you will be punished ).http://http//

Overall, Littering is a type of bad behaviour and its is wrong in my opinion yet we still do it. I have littered and was really bad at littering in my teens but I feel I have grown up a lot since then and now able to recognise that it is bad for not only humans but for individuals and the environment. What do you all feel about littering?

Saturday 1 May 2010

Response to Keeleigh Walker's Blog- Truancy

I agree with Keeleigh that some people might play truant for many reasons. The example she gave (because of teachers) I could actually relate to, as I have truanted for similar reasons- but for the simple fact I did not like or enjoy the lesson and I found it boring. I also feel more could be done by teaching staff to make children feel engaged and happier in lessons, so that truancy does not occur.


Nasty comedians

This lecture was very insightful indeed and I learned a lot of interesting stuff about nasty comedians . Having been around for years,Comedians are meant to make people laugh and smile about everyday experiences,however, some comedians cross a line and aim their jokes and comedy sessions at mocking people in ways such as, sexuality, ethnicity's,where they live, or even religion( just to name a few!)
In lecture we looked at some 'nasty comedians'. One of the people we looked at was, Roy Chubby Brown. He is know for his 'bad language and obscene jokes'.(http://http// Brown is famous for his racist jokes and is rarely seen on television as a result of this. He claims it is 'all just an act' and that when he takes his hat off he is a different person, he does not even swear. I think that he could be viewed as a bad person because the behaviour he exhibits is morally and socially wrong. His behaviour is disgusting to be honest, yet we find it funny. Brown, has still got an enormous fan base and argues that 'you either love him or you don't'. I think he is funny- he is a comedian he has to be, yet the content of his jokes are morally wrong and must hurt a lot of people;. I do not feel there is any excuse for this type of behaviour. I think people who are fans laugh at the time because they think it is funny but if there to look at what he actually says in his jokes they would probably feel more differently- in my opinion anyway! I think that people conform and respond( e.g. laughing at racist jokes) to fit in with peers- but at the end of the day i personally feel it makes you as bad as the person exhibiting the racists jokes.http://http//

Personally, I feel that comedians taking the mick out of someones culture race or background etc. Is wrong. I think there needs to be a fine line on what can be said. I feel uncomfortable when I witness such behaviour and I admit some things I do conform and laugh but later think about it and feel ashamed.Many comedians also make jokes about themselves in relation, to sexuality or race etc- I think this is wrong because they should not say it full stop. I think there should be a line that should not be crossed as what comedians say about themselves or others in terms of race , culture, beliefs etc are not always accepted nor do they come across to other as the comedian intended it to be. Some people will take offence.

Overall, Nasty comedians create forms of behaviour that can be viewed as wrong withing society. This is because this behaviour can be seen as morally, ethically and culturally wrong. I feel comedians should make sure their jokes are funny but the content of the joke is not degrading or morally, ethically or culturally wrong as this could cause individuals to feel victimised and upset.What do you all think?

Friday 30 April 2010

Response to Emma Willoughby's Blog- Wearing Fur.

I agree with Emma to a certain extent, However, where she implies ‘if they are already dead-its basically okay’ I do not agree with this because I if someone wanted to rip your skin off if you had passed away it would be morally and ethically wrong wouldn’t it? So I do not see why it should be different for animals compared to us. I agree with Emma where she states killing and wearing is nasty to animals- I believe this full stop. As well, as these points I agree with Emma when she states that charities work with celebrates is a good thing- to me it is a positive thing because it is getting different peoples point across, while also helping animals who are in danger of being killed for fur.


Tattoos and Body modification

This lecture was interesting to say the least. I found out so much information which I did not know before and found it very eyeopening experience.Body modification is changing the body from its original state. There are two types of body modification:Non invasive practices invasive practices, temporary decorations and permanent decorations.

Non invasive practices do not alter the body however they do alter the surface of the body. For example, changing hair colour. Invasive practices involve temporary or permanently modifying by adding or removing to parts of the body. For example, tattoos or piercings.

Individuals modify their body for a number of reasons, such as, its an art to some people, to express themselves, its fashionable, its addictive, for pleasure, to feel attractive, for religion,rebellion, to remember people( tributes to them)or even because of peer pressure in certain ways.(just to name a few).

Body modification is seen differently in different cultures and societies.According to this websitehttp://http// .'Body modification is a common traditional practice in many cultures around the world. Piercing and scarification has significance which varies for each individual, but their roles in society today are still important'- this means that in many religions scarring and piercings can be seen as attacking their god.

However, in some cultures for example in tribes , body modification can be seen as a right of passage- showing an individual has passed over into adulthood. This website http://http// the extent in which different cultures go to to portray this transition over to adulthood. For example,'Rikbaktsa boys have their ears pierced during a ritual celebration at the age of 14 or 15 when they are capable of hunting large animals and know about traditional ceremonies. This rite of passage marks the young man’s transition into adulthood and eligibility for marriage with the boy exchanging his child name for his adult name'. To be honest I can see why different cultures modify their bodies, it shows they are unique cultures and this could be a way that they try to distinguish themselves from other cultures.

Personally, in terms of body modification, I think some piercings are acceptable such as, nose, eye brow, ears and belly button piercings, I also feel that tattoos that are acceptable as long as they are not massive or plastered all over your body. I think this because It does not look very nice and I do not feel your body was meant to be tattooed all over. In lecture we saw people who had their most private areas of their body modified. Personally, I do not see how or why someone would or even could put themselves through this- imagine the pain! I do however, despite my personal opinions, I think that no one should be judged for having their body modified its their decision at the end of the day- its their choice!

Overall, body modification can be seen as bad behaviour to some people , for example, in some cultures and religions it can be seen as immoral and the ultimate disrespect to god, also some people see you are ruining your body- you could be scarred for life. body modification can also limit professional opportunities some employers turn down people for jobs because they have tattoos showing .People who have tattoos younger(for social reasons) are also more likely to get them removed when they are older.Overall, I feel that if a person wants to modify their body, it is up to them and I do not think we should judge them. What do you all think?

Thursday 29 April 2010


This lecture was really interesting.Everyone likes a drink right?. It is only when someones drinking habits become erratic that people need to start worrying. The minimum age for drinking in the UK is 18 years old, however not many people stick to this and you often find teenagers start drinking earlier. They could do this for many reasons, such as, for fun or because of peer pressure(just to name a few!).Women are only meant to consume 2-3 units of alcohol daily while men are allowed 3-4 units a day.

There are many effects from drinking alcohol, which include: slow reaction times, bad breath, bad skin, drowsiness, hangovers, dizziness ,sickness and alcohol is also related to social problems such as crime and violence( which can be viewed as immoral behaviour and wrong in society).

Alcohols can also be an addiction to some people. This is where an individual goes to the excessive and consumes too many units of alcohol daily. There are many help groups out there to help people beat this addiction such as:EQUIP UK http://http//

Children and teenagers are now becoming younger and younger when they being drinking. According to, 'By the time they reach 15, more than eight out of 10 have already tried alcohol' .This is alarming shocking however, its what teenagers do, they experience and try a range of things when there are this age. I think it is okay as long as they are safe and have someone to look after them(e.g) their parents or guardians.

Binge drinking is becoming increasingly apparent in the UK. This is a person who
'drinks heavily in a short space of time to get drunk or feel the effects of alcohol'. According to Drink Aware UK ,Binge drinking can be really damaging to a person and there is various side effects and repercussions which include:Accidents and falls. You’re also more likely to suffer head, hand and facial injuries. and self harm is also linked with bindge drinking'- you are more likely to harms yourself when under the influence of binge drinking and in extreme cases you could also die!Binge drinking can affect your mood and your memory and in the longer term can lead to serious mental health problems'. http://http//

Personally I feel that to go out you do need more than a few units to even feel the effects of alcohol- well i do anyway! I think drinking is okay as long as an individual does not become dependent upon it.I think you should be (or try to be !) very responsible when drinking and you should also try to look after others you may be having a night out with. I think drinking can constitute as bad behaviour because it can lead to other forms of bad behaviour in society, such as drink driving which can ultimately kill people! Overall, I think drinking can be fun , but just make sure your responsible enough to handle it. What do you all think?

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Illegal Downloading.

I'm sure everyone has heard of illegal downloading. It is where individuals download stuff such as, music, television episodes, movies, software or even computer programmes without permission of the person who the copyright belongs to.When you do not get permission this is classed as illegal and is a criminal offence if you get caught.

I personally, have illegally downloaded on many occasions. I have movies, software, games and music.I did feel guilty about doing this but at the same time I thought better than wasting my money on it.

There are many reasons why people illegally download such as, its easier, it saves money and because it is available 24/7 where as if you brought it from a shop it takes effort, is more expensive and sometimes is not available.

Illegally downloading can be seen as immoral within society as it is technically a form of stealing. It also effect the economy' as 'every illegal download counts as a lost sale this websitehttp://http// points out. I agree with this statement that it does effect our economy however I feel that because of the current climate our society is in now( recession) these are the measures individuals have to take in order to have some form of entertainment in their lives. Some individuals even go to the extent of selling illegally downloads making profit off their sales for them selves- this I feel is wrong because they are making profit of of the sales where as if you download it its for you consumption only and you do not have to pay for it. If a person sells the illegally downloaded stuff then they are basically scamming money off the person they sell it to.
If an individual is caught illegally downloading there could be server punishments, such as imprisonment and fines. I do and do not agree with this statement because I Don't think people should be punished for wanting entertainment in there lives, however, as it is a form of steeling and this is immoral behaviour i do not think this should be tolerated and an individual should be punished -if caught!http://http//

In conclusion, I think there should be stricter controls and implications for people who sell illegally download items. While I think it is okay to download these item as I don not think it is that bad for your own consumption, however, in a way I do think it is wrong as it constitutes as stealing, while is one of the worst types of behaviours someone can have in my opinion.What do you all think?

Tuesday 27 April 2010


Well where to start with this topic! Talk about keeping it in the family! First of all it is wrong. Many people do not always know why it is wrong and find it hard to define why it is. Incest means having sexual intercourse with a blood relation.

Centuries ago having sexual intercourse with a blood relation was the norm; even royalty married and had relationships with their blood relations. Personally, I feel incest is wrong, morally, ethically- you just would not commit this act.

Sometimes people have by accident found out they have slept with a blood relative. These people are usually adopted before hand and meet somewhere who they later find out to be a blood relation.

Some individuals agree with incest and do not think it is a bad thing to do. This story outlines a woman’s experience of sleeping with her brother. Now that they have both parted she says she has no regrets and misses her brother in the sense of the sex she received and the comfort from him. I think this is wrong because imagine if she caught pregnant the child could have so many complications.

There are detailed laws in relation to incest and nearly every legal system has an act which states it forbids incest. For example in the UK the law incest is a criminal offence and in 2004 the law was updated and incest offences began to include not just blood relatives but also foster and adoptive parents and live-in partners.

Overall, I feel incest is wrong morally, ethically and just plain wrong. I do not see how a person could sleep with a blood relative and to be honest it makes me feel ill just thinking about it. Imagine what an incest couples child would turn out like- it would not be fair on them. I think someone would need to receive psychological help if they even attempted to commit incest. What do you think?

Monday 26 April 2010

Wearing Fur

Wearing fur can be viewed as a type of bad behaviour because it could be viewed as morally wrong within society. There is an ongoing debate around wearing fur and many individuals have different opinions in relation to the wearing of fur.

Fur is the hair or skin of a mammal. Wearing fur such as leather or a fox fur jacket involves the slaughter of animals such as, minks, foxes, rabbits, sables, chinchillas, beavers, lynx, seals, raccoons, coyotes, muskrats, wolves, otters, cats and dogs.
Fur farming was banned in the UK in 2003- This is where animals are taken to be killed and the production process of fur clothing is carried out. However, it is still legal to sell fur within the united kingdom- this is usually imported from different countries. http://http//

Personally, I feel wearing of fur is wrong. I do not wear fur or leather I think it would be uncomfortable and it would irritate me too much! The production of fur is technically a form or murder, in the sense that you are killing something not forgetting the immoral part of this debate- I feel it is just wrong. How would you like it if someone killed you and ripped your skin off to use as a jacket? It is wrong!!!!!

Many organisations protest about the wearing of fur and organisations such as PETA even get celebrities involved in campaigns. PETA and their affiliates around the world educate policymakers and the public about cruelty to animals and promote an understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with respect. Celebrities involved in PETA’s work include, Khloe Kardashian, Kate Winslit and Kelly Osbourne. I think this is a positive thing to do as it hears the voices and opinions of protesters all around in relation to wearing fur. It also put the graphic images of what happens to the poor animals out there something which if you’re brought a new fur jacket you would not see! http://http//

Overall, there are many opinions as to if fur is morally or even ethically wrong. It constitutes as bad behaviour I feel as it is a form of killing and it is morally and ethically wrong. I also feel more should be done to help the poor animals that experience harm and suffer because of an individual’s desire to wear fur. What do you all think?

Sunday 25 April 2010

Bandits and Outlaws.

Bandits and outlaws have existed for a very long time and may also be known as ,crooks, gangsters, gunslingers, or desperado's. A bandit can be defined as ' a member of a gang of armed robbers' - this means someone that takes something of an individual which is not theirs to take and a outlaw can be defined as 'a fugitive from the law'- This means a person who does not follow the law and goes against it.http://http// and http://http//

When thinking of a person who has been termed a bandit or outlaw I automatically think of Robin Hood. Robin Hood can be seen as a bandit and outlaw because he stole from the rich and gave to the poor.However, he is often portrayed as a hero to society (in movies and television programmes) because he stole to help people.

I do not think all bandits and outlaws are bad. I think that Robins Hood behaviour is immoral in the sense that you should not take something that is not your, however, he was taking off the rich to give to the poor, this has got to be a good thing right? I think it is because back then individuals really struggled and Robin Hood basically helped them to survive. I do not condemn that behaviour but I feel because of his action , even though they were an act of bad behaviour, actually make him a hero- in my opinion at least. What do you think?http://http//

Jesse James also springs to mind.He was an American outlaw who robbed banks and he committed a number of these offences. It was said that he robbed to give to the poor just like Robin Hood.http://http// Again I do not condemn the behavior and do not think it is by any means a good thing to do however, considering the era which Jesse James committed the offence times were obviously difficult. If it is not for your own consumption then I think it is okay- well sort of ! I mean it is wrong but it can be also viewed as a good thing helping people right?

Bonnie and Clyde were also a famous couple for being a bandit and outlaw they met in Texas and were suspects in a number of 'killings, robbery's, and state kidnaps and were later convicted. Bonnie and Clyde to me are bad individuals and I think it was good that they were punished because they killed numerous people. I think this is wrong and basically just for money. I do not see how a person can kill it is wrong. They both may have became addicted to the crimes they committed and kept doing them or maybe they just thought they had no other option- whatever the reason it was wrong what they did.What do you think?

Overall, Bandits and Outlaws is a tricky subject to discuss and I think everyone will have a difference in opinions.I personally think there can be good and bad types of bandits and outlaws . I do however feel the behaviour they exhibit it is immorally wrong and should not be committed full stop. However, I also can see why for example Robin Hood committed these offences- to help people survive. I think this is a good thing. What do you all think?

Saturday 24 April 2010


Abortion, the termination of a pregnancy can count as a bad type of behaviour. Two doctors have to agree for a person to end a pregnancy.Abortion can be carried out in England and wales until the 24 week march and they can be seen as immoral behaviour . Abortion can also cause later health problems and can even risk fertility later on.

The number of abortions taking place in England and Wales it rising according to this websitehttp://http// They state that the age is also decreasing.

There could be various reasons for a person waiting to abort , for example, as outlined by this website http://http//
pregnancy was not planned or wanted ,not ready to have a baby yet, inconvenient time of life or the child interferes with goals ,financial concerns , pressure by parents or other family members , fear of people finding out about the pregnancy . They go on to state different types of abortion- such as ' social abortion and emotional abortion'.
Personally I do not believe in abortion as I think if you did not want to become pregnant you should of used some sort of contraception, however I do understand that people get caught up in them moment and accidents do happen. I think its is down to individual preference as to whether to have an abortion- it is their body and their choice about what to do. I know people who have had an abortion and I can say that it was one of the hardest decisions of their life- many began to regret this decision later. I do sympathise with those who have aborted as it must of been a horrid experience to go through.

Ethical issues are also raised in abortion in relation to the unborn child. I think that once and egg has been fertilised then its alive, its a living being surviving through your umbilical cord. I do think it is unethical to terminate because as the child is technically alive it does have the right to live, what do you feel?

People who are from religious backgrounds can become disowned if they decide to abort. I think this is wrong because it is their individual choice about what to do and they should become disregarded from their family and friends for the simple fact they have made a choice.
Overall, there are many opinions on abortion, I personally could not abort , but I would not hold it against people if they did. I think that an abortion must take gut to go through with is a massive decision for a person to make. I also think that there should be more done in relation to sex education in society and feel that it might educate individuals not only in terms of abortion but also the importance of taking precautions so abortion do not have to happen. What do you think?

Friday 23 April 2010

Response to Angela Rollins blog on Lying

I agree with Angela as I think it is also a scary as to whether you know people are actually lying or not or if you can tell they are lying. I think if you trust someone you’re not going to expect them to be lying and when or if they do lie to you, you are more hurt because you trusted them. I do not think you can trust anyone 100% people always let you down in some way, form or another! I agree with Angela where she expresses that sometimes you have to lie and sometimes it is okay to lie to protect an individual and also like the fact that she has highlighted lying is a form of deception. I would also like to add those who think they have higher power, authority and money are the biggest liars of all just to get what they want- they are selfish and lie out of greed!



Whether its bunking off work or school , truancy is seen as a type of bad behaviour . If an individual plays truants from school their safety could be at risk and truancy can also lead to further bad behaviour, such as, smoking, drinking and drugs.

The BBC website, note that truancy can be bad for a person health as, it individuals are more likely to exhibit behaviours such as smoking and drinking. I have mixed feelings with this statement because from experience most people who have played truant have either been a smoker or a drinker, However, some people I have played truant with are in fact not smoking, drinking or taking drugs.http://http//

People truant for many reasons. For example, peer pressure, attention,and because of difficulties at school- for example, bullying and learning problems. This websitehttp://http//, comments on experience people have had when they have truanted and most of them state they only truanted because school is boring and to skip school is cool! This did not shock me because school is boring half the time and all I personally went to school for was to see my friends.

There have been new measures put in place to stop the truancy of children of school age.Parents can now be fined and even sent to prison. This website,http://http// by the government, outline the law on child truancy and how you can try to stop your child truanting. I feel that parents being prosecuted is wrong because its not their fault and they shouldn't be penalised for it. This is is not fair on the parents and can actually be seen as immoral !

When i was about 13 I did not go school for a year.I was rude to a teacher ( as you are at that age!) and he raised his first to me. My mum went ballistic and said I was not going back to school.This is kind of truancy but is not but the implications that happened are them same if a child is never in school , maybe because they are truanting. In the end she got fined £1000, this made me feel guilty but at the end of the day I actually wanted to go back to school, but my mum would not let me- out of principle I think. This did make me feel that i have to go school and I should not have another day off in my life, but guess what, I did. In year ten I hated school because it was boring and I found myself playing truant.

Finally, everyone truants whether from school or work, its a way of life. I am sure you have pulled the odd sicky haven't you? If not then I am sure you will give it time. While truancy is seen as bad behaviour withing society I think people need to start looking at the real reason while people truant. They should deal with these issues first before prosecuting the parents or guardians. What do you think?

Thursday 22 April 2010


Speeding is a type of bad behaviour because it is going against what is 'right ' and if you speed and have an accident the consequences can be fatal. Speeding is a violation of the law . This website http://http// outlines why speeding is 'bad news for everyone' and it also highlights the dangers of speeding. Thing such as, decreased reaction times in relation to how fast you can stop if you need to, loss of control of the vehicle and it even costs more money in terms of petrol when your speeding!

Personally, I would not say I speed, if I have it has only been 2/3 mph over- simply because I get to scared and think that if I was to speed and get caught then I could get points on my clean licence or even loose it- I do not want this to happen as I worked hard to get it and spent a lot of money to get it. I also probably would not be able to live with myself if I ended up hurting someone while speeding. So I just do not speed!

To try to reduce speeding, speed camera are placed up and down the county. Personally I do not think that these work as drives continue to speed and then when they see a speed camera the put their brakes on to slow down. According to http://http// drivers are starting to pay more attention to the camera itself Rather than the roads- this could lead to fatal consequences. I think drivers are more preoccupied with the cameras and are constantly checking their speed o meter Rather than whats in front of them. I think speed cameras should be pulled down to be honest as , in my opinion they cause more accidents on the roads- I mean, have you seen the flashes on them when it catches someone speeding- enough to make a person go blind.

I think speeding is wrong and immoral in our society. When a person speed they do not take into consideration the health and safety aspect not only for themselves but to others too. We should not speed ,yet still do. There are many reasons for speeding- maybe people do it for the thrill and adrenaline rush. I think speeding is wrong unless its for a good enough reason, for example, you need to get to the hospital, even then you have trained people (ambulance service)to do this.
I feel that speeding is wrong and although I see how individuals can get a thrill from speeding, I think its more hassle than it is worth doing. You could loose a lot if you get caught. Drivers should also ask them selves is it actually worth speeding and what do they get out of it before committing the act. What do you think?

Wednesday 21 April 2010

bad language- Swearing

Bad languages especially swearing is seen as offensive , abusive and rude. Personally I swear, I think most people do. I swear without even thinking and can go through stages of where I can be really good and not swear and then I can go through stages where nearly everything i say has a swear word at the end.When I was young we found it funny to swear, it was going against what my parents allowed us to do otherwise we would get told that they would 'wash out mouth out with soap' if we continued. Even with this threat I still continued to swear and lets just say I had a few trips to the sink!

From research. according to this website 'http://http// 'Most associate swearing with being angry or frustrated, but people swear for a number of reasons and in a variety of situations'. I agree with this because yes if you think of bad language ( swearing) you associate it with young people . This is when you begin to penalise young people thinking that all of them swear ALL the time, when in fact they most probably do not.

I also agree with the statement that people swear for many different reasons. Some people swear when they are excited, having a laugh with your fiends, or even when you hurt yourself. This website stateshttp://http// that swearing can 'reduce the feeling of pain'. Keele University researchers found that swearing can be used as a coping mechanism when physical pain is occurring. The volunteering in this study were able to 'withhold pain' while swearing. I think this is true because when in pain and you swear it takes your mind of the thing that is causing the pain, well i know it does for me!

Celebrities also swear just like us.http://http// but when this happens society finds it really bad and they penalise celebrities for this, which results in them complaining and the celebrity comes under fire for it. I think this is wrong because every human being swear, its a type of bad behaviour that we are programmed to do, its in our second instinct to swear.

People swear for many reasons, to look cool, for attention, to rebel, because they cannot stop because they want to become accepted or due to peer pressure. whatever the reason we all have swore before and lets face it we probably will again.

Overall, I think swearing is a big contribution into the way a person is perceived and in today's society it is seen that the person is bas when he/she swears. I think that people swear because it is a way of life and I feel people should not be penalised for this. Swearing to me is a habit and it is hard to break habits. Whatever the reason people swear I think it is okay as long as they don't cross the line and become violent with it and I feel that it is down to individual choice whether you swear or not! What do you think?

Tuesday 20 April 2010


Infidelity is a very interesting subject to discuss and I found the lecture very funny. Also known as cheating and two timing( just to name a few!) infidelity is when a person is unfaithful to another partner. It happens everyday across the globe.

I think that in relation to the question asked in the lecture. what counts as infidelity? that most of the 'scenarios' counted as infidelity. Sexual intercourse with another person when in a relationship is cheating. However,I do not think that lust, flirting and porn watching are infidelity as you are have not been unfaithful in the sense that you have had sex with a person. I can see tho how people could or would class this as infidelity. I you are in a relationship and you subsequently cheat on that person, it is a form of unfaithfulness which in my opinion is infidelity.

It was interesting in the lecture of the photographs of celebrities that have committed this bad behaviour and the fact there was only one girl. I think in society men are more portrayed as have cheated on their partner more than women. I think that this is wrong because women cheat just as much as me- the only difference is they can obviously get away with it in these sense of the media!

I also think we as a society are too concerned with celebrities love lives. If a celeb cheats we want all the juiciest gossip of the story. For example, when Ashley and Cheryl Cole with associated with the word infidelity as shown at website below- we all wanted to know about it. Reading the article i was excited and wanted more information then what was published.I think because it is a celeb and we are already fascinated with them already, we want to know more. I guess it must be a way that people can connect on the same level and realise that yes they are human beings and experience the same stuff as us. However, I think others simply get a kick out of seeing them mess up! Lets face it it excites us!http://http//

I found the facebook confessions hilarious and I was also shocked when the class was asked if anyone has ever cheated and only two people showed their hands. Personally I think there was many more but they may have been too embarrassed to admit it. I have never cheated and I do think it is Wrong if your in a relationship. It can wreak and break up families.

I think infidelity is a form of lying as it is deception, yet it is not! I think it is a form but an indirect form which still makes it just as bad as a direct form. People commit infidelity for many reasons such as, boredom, excitement and maybe for better sex- just to name a few!

I think cheating does give people power and maybe even they do it because they want more power. However, they only have to power until they are found out then the person who is victim has the power.

Overall, I think infidelity is wrong and although people can change, once a cheat always a cheat. It can be addictive for some people and they can not help themselves. I think that if you do not want to be in a relationship tell them do not cheat, it would save a lot of hassle and heartache. What do you think?



Monday 19 April 2010

Bad Cinema- Kids.

Based in New york city , the film Kids showed in our lecture was defiantly an eye opener to say the least. Sex, drugs and violence are fixated with our society and I think this film portrays them accurately to a certain extent. When watching the film, I can honestly say I was not at all surprised with what I saw as the film mimics reality in a sense that Kids does actually show 'bad behaviour' which is happening in society now. Things such as, drugs and violence constitute to this.

I can understand why this film was banned from being shown. Showing the harsh reality of society was uncomfortable for me to watch let alone children. I can understand why the films explicit scenes caused controversy and I can honestly say, it is kind of disturbing but again on the other hand it is an eye opener of what is or could be happening across the country.Although I can see why it was banned I feel that there were relevant points for this.
The film opens up to man y of the issues that individuals face. Things such as alcohol and drug abuse are among these. I think that in the film these are portrayed really well and the actors and actresses played their roles extremely good. Unprotected sex and HIV were also among issues raised.This website http://http// highlights some of the things that unprotected sex can result in , things such as HIV( a main factor of the film), STI's, pregnancy and infertility or even cancer( there are many more!). I think this film would make people think twice about unprotected sex and other issues such as alcohol and drug abuse. I feel this because its show the harsh effects which could happen and anyone in their right mind would have to think twice. I also feel parents who watch the film would be really shocked and I think they might begin to question what their children might be getting up to.

Overall, I think this film is a real eye opener for everyone in society. I think the issue of smoking drugs was also highlighted accurately. I think this film is powerful in the sense it makes you think and appreciate what you have. I made me appreciative and thankful I am not in a situation like the characters in the film are, yet it moved me to think that people do actually live or act like this- some even have no choice.what do you think?

Sunday 18 April 2010

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can be seen to may people as bad behaviour, while to some it is not considered in this way. Plastic surgery is a surgery concerned with the 'repair, restoration,or improvement of lost, injured, defective or misshapen body parts'. It can also be associated with the words ' fake and superficial'.http://http//

People turn to plastic surgery for many reasons, to look younger, to make them feel better, for self esteem issues . Plastic surgery also helps people who have been involved in accidents and for example, need a skin grafts or their nose's rebuilding.

Personally, I feel that plastic surgery is down to the individual. I think it can be a good thing and also a bad thing. People can become addicted. I think plastic surgery is beneficial for mental and emotional reasons for a person. For example, if a person has been involved in an accident and needs their nose repositioning, plastic surgery is a good thing, in the sense it will be good for their self esteem and confidence.I think plastic surgery can be seen as bad behaviour as it is addictive and individuals once they have had a operation want another and another. This to me is bad as the person may never become satisfied and this could cause other problems such as , relationship breakdown, financial debt, not to mention psychiatric illnesses. I think you are who you are why try to change it, grow old gracefully, everybody changes!

Plastic surgery can go wrong. There are many risk factor when having a treatment , sometimes it can be fatal.Yet even when this happens people still feel the need to have more done.http://http// This websites show plastic surgery when it has gone wrong. I think that it looks awful and think why would you put yourself thought that. I especially do no see how if previous surgery has gone wrong why people would go back for another set of treatments. MADNESS!

In society, plastic surgery can be see as a bad behaviour because it is a negative thing for the younger generations. It is highly criticised even more when it is a celebrity in the public eye, who millions of people look up to, have procedures dome. They are role model and what kind of message is this sending out to everyone who supports them. It could then have mental and emotional effects on supports who feel the need to copy role models. Celebrities are even addicted to plastic surgery. Katie price, for example, millions of supported all desperate to be her will turn to plastic surgery just to be like her. Just because she as procedure everyone wants them. This is a bad thing people need to be themselves and not try to be anyone else. They should be comfortable in their skin and not dragged down in to what could be a downward spiral of 'bad behaviour'.

In conclusion, Although plastic surgery can be a bad thing in society it can also be a good thing. I think it is down to personal preference. I however, feel that people should be comfortable in their own skin and unless involved in an accident people should steer clear from plastic surgery.If people are adamant in having procedures done they should think carefully and sensibly as it can be life changing, mentally and physically.I also feel that people need to be more aware of when it goes wrong and they should be advised more on health implications before turning to surgery. I think plastic surgery is a huge important decision which should not be taken lightly as can even cause death !. I feel plastic surgery is both and good and bad type of behaviour as it can be beneficial, yet can be addictive.What do you think?

Saturday 17 April 2010

Underage sex.

Sex under the age of 16 in this country is illegal. It can be seen as bad behaviour in the eyes of the law at least if a person has sex under this age. However, this is 21st century and just because there is a law does not stop teenagers under this age having sex. According tohttp://http// the fact that this act is illegal and wrong, could put excitement into it for people. They may have sex underage because of rebellion. I agree with this and think that when your a teenager if someone tells you you can not do something your are going to do the complete opposite.

I feel underage sex is down to the individual and is not necessarily bad behaviour unless its like a older man or woman having sex with a person under the age of 16. I personally feel that some people mature earlier and can ,make the decision as to whether to have sex. Its about individual maturity and choice. I can however see why there is an age restriction on sex- for protection!

There are many implications of underage sex, especially as teenagers are more likely to use protection. Teenage pregnancy and STI's are rapidly increasing among Britain. The story of Alfie Patten - A dad at 13! To me this is ridiculous, how can someone so young become a dad he is still a baby himself. However, it was later revealed that he was not the dad. But can you imagine if he was what kind of life would the baby have because of 'underage sex' that had taken place. When reading this story I was utterly shocked and thought it is madness the way society has changed.http://http//

After looking at this website, http://http//, I was shocked to see the differences in relation to the age of consent in various countries across the world. In the United kingdom it is 16, however, the likelihood is that teenagers will go against this. Extra precautions have been taken for under 13 year old when concerning sex. Meaning that regardless of where consented or not by both parties anyone having underage sex with a girl under 13 years will be charged with 'rape' regardless of any other factors. I think this is a good thing as there is obviously a difference in maturity levels of say two 14/15year old having sex compared to two 11/12 year old having sex.http://http//

The age in which people can have sex legally has changed overtime. It was not caped at an age and people would consummate their relationships once married, but due to advanced laws it is now 16 years old. I think boys and girls are now in present society expected to have sex at younger ages, everywhere you look, in the street, in the media, it is all sex,sex,sex! I feel there is a pressure put upon teenagers in today's world especially in Western countries to have underage sex.

Overall, while many feel underage sex contributes as a type of bad behaviour , I feel that it can be if the child is under say 13 but at the end of the day as stated before its down to the individual- the decision lies with them. If they are mature enough to handle sex at an earlier age than the laws permit, who should we be to judge them? What do you all think?

Friday 16 April 2010


Where to start with bullying. I hate it. First and foremost because it is horrible and secondly, because one of my best mates committed suicide last year and bullying was one of the reasons for this. These in particular amongst other reasons, is why i would not and could not ever be a bully. I personally feel ashamed for bullies. They must not have any respect for themselves let alone other people.

A common definition bullying (used in courts) is: A behaviour which 'deliberately intends to hurt, threaten or frighten' a group or individual.http://http//

A number of different types of behaviour aimed towards a person can count as bullying, such as, Name calling, rumours, physical contact (E.G) kicking and punching- just to name a few. There are many more which this website highlights.http://http//

http://http// highlights some of the reasons as to why people are bulling others. They state that 'inadequacy' and people not being able to face up to this in many senses is a reason why people turn to bulling. I think this is true, but i also feel in my opinion that people become bullies because for example, they might be lonely depressed or because they have been bullied previously. However, I do believe there is NO excuse for a bully. Bullying is wrong plain and simple!

There are many organisation that have been developed to offer support to victims of bullying and even offer support to bullies themselves to overcome this issue they are facing. I think these are really good and productive ways of trying to deal with bullies. The care and support they offer I feel, will considerably help reduce the number of bullies in society.Organisations include :http://http//,

Bottom line, I believe bullying should not happen under any circumstance. But then again I think bullying will never stop. For some people it is just a way of life. Bulling is one of the nastiest types of bad behaviour in my opinion, it causes heartache and pain- trust me I know this from experience. Overall, I feel although a lot is done deal with bullying, I personally do not feel its going to fade out anytime soon, there is always going to be that one person who bullies! What do you all think?

Thursday 15 April 2010


Gambling can be seen as bad behaviour. We all like a flutter tho right? I know I do, I take a gamble on the lottery when the prize money is really high. I feel you have to never say never( okay well ain't gonna happen but there is no hope in not trying is there?). I also buy the odd scratch card, I must admit I do get a bit nervous and egar to find out if you have won or not. I think that gambling like this, in moderation, is fine, its when people become addictive its where someone needs to step in and say enough is enough.

Lives are ruined by excessive gambling, families destroyed. A man is suing a bookies because he lost 2 million pound after he told a William Hill not to let him gamble or accept bets off him anymore.http://http// Personally I do feel sorry for him, but I also feel it is his own fault. He should have more control of himself .He gambled it away .I mean a bookies have to make money to keep open, there not going to turn away money from him are they! Gambling in my opinion is a dangerous game, you have to be careful not to fall into the trap it can lead to!.

People who are addicted to gambling should receive treatment for this. Many websites, includinghttp://http// andhttp://http// offer support for people affect and also if you have noticed on the back of scratch cards and lottery tickets, its says if anyone is affected by gambling or think they are addicted call for support. I feel this is an excellent idea as it offers support and guidance.

Finally, I feel gambling can be both good and bad, I'm sure there is more worse things you can waste your money on, but I can see how people can easily become addicted to it. I think that because you get a buzz and adrenaline starts to flow people get addicted to experiencing this feeling. I feel the odd flutter will not cause no harm, its when its gets out of control and person needs help. What do you think?. Gambling is a difficult topic to discuss as there are many opinions towards it, some accept it, some do not. Certain religions such as Christianity forbid this! Which I think might probably drive a person to gamble. Its rebellion isn't it.I just hope I do not fall into the cycle of gambling constantly, as to loose your livelihood scares me too much!!