Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Infidelity is a very interesting subject to discuss and I found the lecture very funny. Also known as cheating and two timing( just to name a few!) infidelity is when a person is unfaithful to another partner. It happens everyday across the globe.

I think that in relation to the question asked in the lecture. what counts as infidelity? that most of the 'scenarios' counted as infidelity. Sexual intercourse with another person when in a relationship is cheating. However,I do not think that lust, flirting and porn watching are infidelity as you are have not been unfaithful in the sense that you have had sex with a person. I can see tho how people could or would class this as infidelity. I you are in a relationship and you subsequently cheat on that person, it is a form of unfaithfulness which in my opinion is infidelity.

It was interesting in the lecture of the photographs of celebrities that have committed this bad behaviour and the fact there was only one girl. I think in society men are more portrayed as have cheated on their partner more than women. I think that this is wrong because women cheat just as much as me- the only difference is they can obviously get away with it in these sense of the media!

I also think we as a society are too concerned with celebrities love lives. If a celeb cheats we want all the juiciest gossip of the story. For example, when Ashley and Cheryl Cole with associated with the word infidelity as shown at website below- we all wanted to know about it. Reading the article i was excited and wanted more information then what was published.I think because it is a celeb and we are already fascinated with them already, we want to know more. I guess it must be a way that people can connect on the same level and realise that yes they are human beings and experience the same stuff as us. However, I think others simply get a kick out of seeing them mess up! Lets face it it excites us!http://http//www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2855371/Ashley-Cole-cheated-on-wife-Cheryl-with-sex-text-girl.html

I found the facebook confessions hilarious and I was also shocked when the class was asked if anyone has ever cheated and only two people showed their hands. Personally I think there was many more but they may have been too embarrassed to admit it. I have never cheated and I do think it is Wrong if your in a relationship. It can wreak and break up families.

I think infidelity is a form of lying as it is deception, yet it is not! I think it is a form but an indirect form which still makes it just as bad as a direct form. People commit infidelity for many reasons such as, boredom, excitement and maybe for better sex- just to name a few!

I think cheating does give people power and maybe even they do it because they want more power. However, they only have to power until they are found out then the person who is victim has the power.

Overall, I think infidelity is wrong and although people can change, once a cheat always a cheat. It can be addictive for some people and they can not help themselves. I think that if you do not want to be in a relationship tell them do not cheat, it would save a lot of hassle and heartache. What do you think?



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