Thursday, 29 April 2010


This lecture was really interesting.Everyone likes a drink right?. It is only when someones drinking habits become erratic that people need to start worrying. The minimum age for drinking in the UK is 18 years old, however not many people stick to this and you often find teenagers start drinking earlier. They could do this for many reasons, such as, for fun or because of peer pressure(just to name a few!).Women are only meant to consume 2-3 units of alcohol daily while men are allowed 3-4 units a day.

There are many effects from drinking alcohol, which include: slow reaction times, bad breath, bad skin, drowsiness, hangovers, dizziness ,sickness and alcohol is also related to social problems such as crime and violence( which can be viewed as immoral behaviour and wrong in society).

Alcohols can also be an addiction to some people. This is where an individual goes to the excessive and consumes too many units of alcohol daily. There are many help groups out there to help people beat this addiction such as:EQUIP UK http://http//

Children and teenagers are now becoming younger and younger when they being drinking. According to, 'By the time they reach 15, more than eight out of 10 have already tried alcohol' .This is alarming shocking however, its what teenagers do, they experience and try a range of things when there are this age. I think it is okay as long as they are safe and have someone to look after them(e.g) their parents or guardians.

Binge drinking is becoming increasingly apparent in the UK. This is a person who
'drinks heavily in a short space of time to get drunk or feel the effects of alcohol'. According to Drink Aware UK ,Binge drinking can be really damaging to a person and there is various side effects and repercussions which include:Accidents and falls. You’re also more likely to suffer head, hand and facial injuries. and self harm is also linked with bindge drinking'- you are more likely to harms yourself when under the influence of binge drinking and in extreme cases you could also die!Binge drinking can affect your mood and your memory and in the longer term can lead to serious mental health problems'. http://http//

Personally I feel that to go out you do need more than a few units to even feel the effects of alcohol- well i do anyway! I think drinking is okay as long as an individual does not become dependent upon it.I think you should be (or try to be !) very responsible when drinking and you should also try to look after others you may be having a night out with. I think drinking can constitute as bad behaviour because it can lead to other forms of bad behaviour in society, such as drink driving which can ultimately kill people! Overall, I think drinking can be fun , but just make sure your responsible enough to handle it. What do you all think?


  1. I think Karrie- Anne's view on alcohol is the same as myself.

    This is because I have been to parties myself and can decide when enough is enough.

    However, many people cannot stop drinking when they start, leading to violence and vomiting.

    If alcohol is controlled it is very social, but if not it can cause many problems.

    Overall I feel Karrie- Anne understands the positives and negatives of alcohol intake.

    Elisha =]

  2. I agree with you when you said that this lecture was very interesting. I also agreed with you when you said that some people start drinking at a young age. In my opinion I think that young people start drinking mostly because of peer pressure and he have to drink to fit in with their friends. I do not think that people think or know much about the effects of drinking, and the people that do no about the effects i do not think they care because people always say it will never happen to me i can control my drinking.

  3. I'm the same with drinking i know when i have had enough... Young children tend to drink because of peer pressure. I know I did.. I think no one can control have much there drink... we always think we know when enough is enough but not all the time..
