Whether its bunking off work or school , truancy is seen as a type of bad behaviour . If an individual plays truants from school their safety could be at risk and truancy can also lead to further bad behaviour, such as, smoking, drinking and drugs.
The BBC website, note that truancy can be bad for a person health as, it individuals are more likely to exhibit behaviours such as smoking and drinking. I have mixed feelings with this statement because from experience most people who have played truant have either been a smoker or a drinker, However, some people I have played truant with are in fact not smoking, drinking or taking drugs.http://http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/3107021.stm.
People truant for many reasons. For example, peer pressure, attention,and because of difficulties at school- for example, bullying and learning problems. This websitehttp://http//www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=286&id=1439, comments on experience people have had when they have truanted and most of them state they only truanted because school is boring and to skip school is cool! This did not shock me because school is boring half the time and all I personally went to school for was to see my friends.
There have been new measures put in place to stop the truancy of children of school age.Parents can now be fined and even sent to prison. This website,http://http//www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Schoolslearninganddevelopment/YourChildsWelfareAtSchool/DG_4016117?cids=Google_PPC&cre=Education_Learning_Franchise by the government, outline the law on child truancy and how you can try to stop your child truanting. I feel that parents being prosecuted is wrong because its not their fault and they shouldn't be penalised for it. This is is not fair on the parents and can actually be seen as immoral !
The BBC website, note that truancy can be bad for a person health as, it individuals are more likely to exhibit behaviours such as smoking and drinking. I have mixed feelings with this statement because from experience most people who have played truant have either been a smoker or a drinker, However, some people I have played truant with are in fact not smoking, drinking or taking drugs.http://http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/3107021.stm.
People truant for many reasons. For example, peer pressure, attention,and because of difficulties at school- for example, bullying and learning problems. This websitehttp://http//www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=286&id=1439, comments on experience people have had when they have truanted and most of them state they only truanted because school is boring and to skip school is cool! This did not shock me because school is boring half the time and all I personally went to school for was to see my friends.
There have been new measures put in place to stop the truancy of children of school age.Parents can now be fined and even sent to prison. This website,http://http//www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Schoolslearninganddevelopment/YourChildsWelfareAtSchool/DG_4016117?cids=Google_PPC&cre=Education_Learning_Franchise by the government, outline the law on child truancy and how you can try to stop your child truanting. I feel that parents being prosecuted is wrong because its not their fault and they shouldn't be penalised for it. This is is not fair on the parents and can actually be seen as immoral !
When i was about 13 I did not go school for a year.I was rude to a teacher ( as you are at that age!) and he raised his first to me. My mum went ballistic and said I was not going back to school.This is kind of truancy but is not but the implications that happened are them same if a child is never in school , maybe because they are truanting. In the end she got fined £1000, this made me feel guilty but at the end of the day I actually wanted to go back to school, but my mum would not let me- out of principle I think. This did make me feel that i have to go school and I should not have another day off in my life, but guess what, I did. In year ten I hated school because it was boring and I found myself playing truant.
Finally, everyone truants whether from school or work, its a way of life. I am sure you have pulled the odd sicky haven't you? If not then I am sure you will give it time. While truancy is seen as bad behaviour withing society I think people need to start looking at the real reason while people truant. They should deal with these issues first before prosecuting the parents or guardians. What do you think?
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