Thursday 1 April 2010

Lying with Integrity

Everyone has lied haven't they? If you answer No to this question, I would guess you may actually be telling a little porky pie!

In my opinion lying is not taught to us it is second nature. Somehow we as human beings have developed the art of lying and most of the time use this technique to survive.

There are many types of lies- little white lies are common leading up to more serious lies. I believe white lies are harmless. Things such as Santa- would Christmas be the same if all the children knew he was in fact a lie?

According to these websites, http://http// and http://http// People lie for many reasons such as, 'greed, fear and habit'.People also lie because they do not know anything different.

Some people lie for survival, for example, If committing benefit fraud you could be lying to provide for your family or if you have cheated on a person and do not want to split up a marriage you lie to protect not only yourself but from there being a victim!. I feel these are serious lies yet I think if you confess it would cause more upset then good ,then you should kept quiet. However, I firmly believe that lies ALWAYS catch up with you regardless, whether its 2 weeks or 20 years down the line!

I think men and women are both equally as bad as each other in relation to lying. Its a second instinct to everyone! Telling lies or having lies told to you, the individuals are as bad as each other because if you are the one to lie or even if you have been told someones Else's lie you are still supporting it which is wrong, especially if you do nothing to change it! I also do not agree with people that lie for their own benefit- it is just plain selfish!

In today's lecture we saw a short clip of Red Dwarf and to me was a very interesting clip. Lister trying to teach Kryten( a robot) to lie to me shows the viewer that 'lying is part of our physiological defence system' but also as Kryten is a robot and Lister tries to programme him into lying , shows the viewer that humans can be programmed to lie( the clip can have a double meaning!). I agree that lying can be seen as a defence mechanism for us to use however, lying doesn't always work does it?

Overall, I think lying can be a good or a bad thing, it depends on the situation. I also think that sometimes you have to lie because it would be the lesser of two evils and this in hindsight lying would be the less evil route to take. What are your thoughts?

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